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  • Posted on March 24, 2015 at 1:46 pm

Yum! Mum’s Roast is the best! We were all tucking in hungrily. Then she stood up and cleared her throat. “Everyone, I have the most amazing news!” she beamed. “Ooh, Ooh, are we having chicken nuggets?” my brother Jonathan squealed delightfully. “No. We’ve got roast chicken. You should know because you are eating it yourself.” my mum nodded. Clearly making her point. “Ooh, Ooh, we’re having twice as many chicken nuggets?” my dad asked. “No,” she sighed, rolling her eyes. “Are we finally getting a cat?” I asked.

Calypso: Diary entry 1.

  • Posted on March 15, 2015 at 8:39 pm

Calypso was allowed into the garden today for the very first time. She explored the bushes and trees and ran around on the grass. She also had a visitor. Poppy, the neighbours cat, came into the garden as she normally would and saw Calypso for the first time. They stared at each other trying to stare each other off, to try and claim the garden. I was watching from a nearby window. Poppy was a lot, lot bigger than Calypso and Calypso is only 7 and a half months old. I ran outside and shooed Poppy away, frightened that she might try to injure Calypso. Luckily for me Calypso jumped into my arms and I carried her back into the house.

Love at first Meow…

  • Posted on October 5, 2013 at 7:35 pm

How Koya met his true love…

“Hey! Wake up! Koya!” Yelled Slithen the serpent. “What ‘s going on!” said Koya. He gazed up at Slithen (Koya’s best friend who also lives with him) and said: “Slithen what day is it and what time is it?” said Koya. “Uhhh. As I was trying to say it’s Thursday and even worse it’s 8:15! We have to get to Basketball in 15 minutes!!!” “WHAT!!!!” said koya sitting bolt upright in bed as fast as lightning.

“Coach I’m sorry we’re late” They both panted.

Dragonkeeper: Flashback.

  • Posted on July 14, 2013 at 3:05 pm

When war was over, Jade the Dragonkeeper went to the centre of her universe, up in the clouds where home was. Then she went to her hammock, fell asleep nd had a dream. But in that dream she had a flashback of what had happened centurys ago…

Dragon Keeper A New Beginning.

  • Posted on April 21, 2013 at 6:22 pm

War was all around on the planet of Krontin. Everyone was fighting except for one dragon who was a prophet. He was Twento. He was 14536 years old. Twento beckoned a young purple dragon into his cave and said: