
  • Posted on March 24, 2015 at 1:46 pm

Yum! Mum’s Roast is the best! We were all tucking in hungrily. Then she stood up and cleared her throat. “Everyone, I have the most amazing news!” she beamed. “Ooh, Ooh, are we having chicken nuggets?” my brother Jonathan squealed delightfully. “No. We’ve got roast chicken. You should know because you are eating it yourself.” my mum nodded. Clearly making her point. “Ooh, Ooh, we’re having twice as many chicken nuggets?” my dad asked. “No,” she sighed, rolling her eyes. “Are we finally getting a cat?” I asked.

“Yes we are!” she beamed. I knew I was the sensible one. “At last,” I shouted, relieved. For weeks months everyday she’s been going about cats. Can we have a Cat? I’m lonely without a feline. It’s so annoying. “I was talking to my friend last night and she mentioned that her husband helps out with adoptions for cats and dogs. There’s a little tabby cat visiting them next week and she asked if we’d like to adopt it,” she confessed. “Mum! For the love of cats please tell me you said yes,” I pleaded. “Of course I did. I-” She never finished her sentence because I probably sprinted faster than Sonic to get to my phone. “Nell, guess what! I’m getting a little tabby kitten!” We both squealed with delight at the news.



Friday 14th November

I’m sitting through IT. Bored out of my mind. Staring coldly at the clock. My dad told me that time stops for no one. He didn’t say anything about going faster for anyone. Staring. Staring. My brain must have tuned out because the bell went about a second later. HOMETIME!!! My favourite time of the day. The weekend is here. I go to this club on Friday afternoons with my friends. I made a little card that had ‘New Home’ everywhere on the page. I put a slip of paper on top with a (Hand drawn) picture of a tabby Manga kitty. I showed my friends and their jaws dropped. The card looked even cuter with a few #LOLs here and there.



Sunday 16th November

I’m sitting on the blue, leather sofa playing Mine-Craft with Jonathan. I can’t believe that tomorrow I’m getting my own kitten. My Mum says that it is ours but secretly I know it will like me most. After all I’m the one who made it loads of toys, a basket to sleep in and who will play with it most. My parents told me that it’s coming all the way from Cornwall so I take a tiny break to look up names. My top 3 are: Kaya, Kale or Calypso. Why can’t tomorrow come today? Normally the weekend passes so quickly but this time it’s so slow. I start to daydream and wonder what she might be like. Funny, hilarious, adorable… Who knows? Only time will tell.



Monday 17th November

At last it is Monday!!! All this waiting has finally paid off. Now I just need it to arrive. My sensitive ears hear a car pull up on the front drive. Footsteps. Louder. Louder. I hold my breath. 3… 2… 1… The door opens. “I’m home!” my mum cheerfully beams. She’s carefully cradling a maroon colored cat box. From within it I hear the wails of a little someone inside. “Is it a boy or a girl?” I ask curiously. “She’s a girl.” We set the cat box down on the floor and slowly opened the door. What emerged from the box was not a tabby but the most adorable Calico kitten I have ever seen! She bounded into my arms playfully, well aware of the new scents that surround her minute pink nose. “I’m going to name you… Calypso!” She leapt out of my arms and started to slowly sniff the basket I’d prepared for her. No sooner than that she fell asleep after a long trip. She had travelled over 200 miles to be here. Though it was definitely worth the wait.

It’s been nearly a whole hour and Calypso has woken up. She stretched and yawned before trotting over to greet me. She cautiously stepped on my lap, testing me, checking that I was safe to walk on. Realising that I was of no threat to her she tilted her head so I could gaze into her soft, hazel eyes. She then turned on her purring like turning on a car motor. Suddenly she opened her miniature mouth and let out the most adorable meow that I have ever heard in my life! She must have been proud of this achievement because of the fact that she did it again. “Meow-Meow”. My heart must have melted at the sight of this adorable moment.




She is still as cute as ever and still loves me most. She’s had many adventures through her time living here. The name Calypso is Greek for: She Who Hides. It’s perfect for her because she hides things all the time. She hid my earphones under the chair and over Christmas, a stash of baubles behind the fridge. She’s also been out in the garden for the first time and had a stare off with the neighbour’s cat, Poppy. She was colossal compared to Calypso so I eventually chased her away. Every morning Calypso would claw at my bed until I woke up and just stared at her. Then, seeing that I was awake, she would sit on me until I gave her breakfast. She’s also going to be turning 1 year old in May and she loved climbing up the Christmas tree. Once I was also trying to do my homework and Calypso was trying to murder my pen at the exact same time. Who knows what’s going to come in the future. She might chase away the fox who murdered my previous cat or she might kill the birds at the end of the garden. She’s already started watching them so none of our feathery friends are safe anymore. Only time will tell…




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