The bird in the kitchen

  • Posted on April 24, 2013 at 7:02 pm

On Wednesday 24th of April 2013 I was come home from my evening class and noticed that there was bird poo on the floor!

I knew that there was only one reason for this. This meant that there was a bird in the house! I absolutely dashed into the Living Room for I knew that my deaf cat Shelly would probably be wanting to eat the bird. Just in case, I shut her in the bedroom.

After making sure the door was firmly shut I started hunting for Timmy(which is what I started calling the bird.). First I checked all the rooms upstairs. I even checked the ones with shut doors but still better safe than sorry. Then I found it. As I peeped into the kitchen I saw a tiny little bird who had probably only left the nest for the first time!

I picked up little Timmy very carefully, took him outside and let him go back to his nest, safe and sound.



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