Dragon Keeper A New Beginning.

  • Posted on April 21, 2013 at 6:22 pm

War was all around on the planet of Krontin. Everyone was fighting except for one dragon who was a prophet. He was Twento. He was 14536 years old. Twento beckoned a young purple dragon into his cave and said: “These Ancient Scrolls tell me what is going to happen in the future. At the moment there is war and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Except for one human girl. She may look ordinary but she is not. For it is she who bears the powers of the Dragon Keeper. But I will teleport you to where the Dragon Keeper will be.” said the Phrophet. “B-b-b-but why me?” said the young dragon.”Because it has to be a purple dragon!” whispered Twento.

As the young dragon reached Earth he was happy to be back on his Home Planet but he had never been on this part of the world before.There was one girl sitting one metre away wishing for her very own purple dragon that very moment. “Are you Jade?” asked the young dragon. “Yes I am. Why do you ask? Who are you?” replied the young girl. “I have no name but the Dragon Keeper is meant to name me. For I am her loyal companion.” explained the young dragon. “Who is the Dragon Keeper?” asked Jade. “You are!” replied the dragon. “Me? I never knew but… hmmm. You have a strange twinkle in your eye. That’s it! I’ll call you Amephyst!” mentioned Jade. She then picked up a long purple pole with a proud, loyal dragon on the end. Along  the side was carved Staff Of The Dragon Keeper.

Back on Krontin war was getting fiercer by the second.But Jade kept calm as she strode calmly to the Dragon King of Darkness. She then said a speech:”Dragon King of Darkness I have come to stop you and your armies from destroying the lush world of Krontin when you have your own world Trident to go back to. Why destroy Krontin? The Dragon King of Life is your brother. So why destroy him and his side of the universe? I say this because I’m the Dragon Keeper!” said Jade.The King of Darkness thought about this but soon yelled “WAR IN FIVE MINUTES!”

5 minutes later there was war. When the Dark side attacked the D.K.A. they didn’t feel a thing. But when the D.K.A. attacked the dark side they felt like there was an earthquake on their bodies. “I’ve seen enough of this invincibility spell! RETREAT!” bellowed the King of Darkness. His army fled like scared little chickens.

Jade then renamed Krontin and called it Earth. Then she renamed Trident and called it Desert Hills. Jade and her army of dragons were defending the Earth for as long as they can remember. Legend has it that Jade and her army of dragons lay in a tomb in the core of the Earth waiting to rise and defend the Earth once more.



2 Comments on Dragon Keeper A New Beginning.

  1. Really enjoyed reading your story Ginny. Can’t wait for the next ones.

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