Dragonkeeper: Flashback.

  • Posted on July 14, 2013 at 3:05 pm

When war was over, Jade the Dragonkeeper went to the centre of her universe, up in the clouds where home was. Then she went to her hammock, fell asleep nd had a dream. But in that dream she had a flashback of what had happened centurys ago…

Jade was 13 and exploring the rainforest when she found two eggs that were the shade of light purple. She used her magic to help the eggs crack. “You two were put in my universe to rule it as my sons.” said Jade with a voice of mystery. She took the baby dragons home and raised them as her sons until they were adults. When they were adults Jade said to them: “It’s time to give you two a name.” Saying this Jade took her staff and split the universe into three. “I have split the universe into three so all of us can rule. I name you ‘Repto of the dimension of Life’ and ‘Razor of the dimension of Light’ and I will rule the universe of Magic” said Jade. With that she raised her staff in the air once more and sent Repto and Razor to their dimensions. All was at peace until…

“I am going to launch an attack on the universe of Magic and the dimension of life and once I have defeated them I shall have ultimate power to send the universe into eternal darkness! Mwa ha ha ha ha!” Razor roared with laughter. “My plan is fool proof so the Dragonkeeper will never find out in time to stop me!”
But the word fool proof was not really true, since Jade was watching all that had happened and all that was said through her mystical purple jade orb. “I must warn Repto at once!” said Jade, feeling alert as a deer being attacked by a panther.

“So what do you want me to do about Razor’s attack on my dimension and your universe?” questioned Repto. “I want you to get your army training, the children to safety and the adults to recruit. I also want you to save as much food as you possibly can!” explained Jade.
“I will do as you say your highness, or should I say mum?” said Repto cheekily.
“Stop being cheeky and do as you are told. Or your dimension will fall from lack of power, you will lose power and your dimension will fall into eternal darkness!!!” scolded Jade.
“Yes mum.”

War was all over the dimension of life but soon there left the problem. Which king will surrender and which king will succeed?



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