Love at first Meow…

  • Posted on October 5, 2013 at 7:35 pm

How Koya met his true love…

“Hey! Wake up! Koya!” Yelled Slithen the serpent. “What ‘s going on!” said Koya. He gazed up at Slithen (Koya’s best friend who also lives with him) and said: “Slithen what day is it and what time is it?” said Koya. “Uhhh. As I was trying to say it’s Thursday and even worse it’s 8:15! We have to get to Basketball in 15 minutes!!!” “WHAT!!!!” said koya sitting bolt upright in bed as fast as lightning.

“Coach I’m sorry we’re late” They both panted. “Oh don’t worry boys. You’re just in time because I would like to announce that we have a new member of our Basketball, Karate, Tennis, Swimming, Rock climbing, Yoga and Rugby team. Let me introduce you all to Blaze.” Said Coach. As soon as Blaze stepped through the door Koya felt a heartbeat and realised that he was falling in love with Blaze! “I’m going in,” said koya. “Oh boy… Here we go.” groaned Slithen. “Hello. My name is Koya. Want a quick game of basketball 1 on 1 Dahl?” he asked. “Dahl!!!!!” said Blaze furiously. “On the court Koya!” she added while Koya bounced along behind. “Ready? First to get to 5 wins!” said Koya. He was dazed in her beauty and because of that Blaze had managed to score 3 in the net already. “Hey how about letting me at the ball?” asked Koya. “In your dreams!” replied Blaze scoring another point. “I’ll let you score the next point. Oooops… I just did. I win 5 to nil,” she added. She then threw the ball with such force in his chest that he fell back. That was until Blaze came over and yanked his shoulders up so they were face to face. Then she said: “Don’t call me Dahl!!!” and with that she thumped him back down on the floor. Then when she had made sure that Koya was unconscious she added, “Nice playing with you all!” When she left Koya began to wake up. ” Are you Ok? You do remember what happened right?” asked Slithen. “Yeah. I got knocked out by an angel,” said Koya before he fell back down love struck.

Hey Slithen, do you think that Blaze would go out with me?” he asked lovingly. “Koya there’s 2 steps to getting a girlfriend. 1. Ask her out on a simple date with dinner at a restaurant and a movie at the cinema afterwards. 2. Ask her out for three days before you talk about marriage. 3. Meet up with her regularly or daily if need be.” Explained Slithen. Koya was gazing out of the window. “Here’s the deal, if I ask Blaze on a date tomorrow at Karate and she says yes then you are our special assistant on the day, and if she says no then I will give you a plate of your favourite choc-chip-caramella cookies. Deal?” asked Koya. “Deal!” replied Slithen.

It was the next day and Karate had just ended. Koya was about to ask Blaze on a date. “Uuumm… Blaze? Would you like to, you know, uuumm. Go out with me?!?” asked Koya uncertain of what her answer would be. Fortunately his reply was:”All right then”. “But just in case where do you come from ?” asked Koya. “Australia,” replied Blaze. “Oh. So that’s a yes then?” exclaimed Koya. “You bet,” replied Blaze. “See you tomorrow at your house!”­ “Wow! Isn’t she dreamy!” said Koya. Of course that was the last he said for the next 3 hours for the fact that he fainted. The funny thing was that when he fainted instead of stars floating around his head he had cupids.

Ding-Dong. Ding-Dong. “Hey! Is anyone home?” said the person behind the door. No one answered until Slithen burst into Koya’s bedroom and yelled at Koya to wake up. “All right I’m coming. I’m coming.” When the door finally opened Koya was more than a bit suprised. “Hi! Sorry it’s a bit early but I was really looking forward to today!” explained Blaze ceerfully. “Come on in but excuse me while I get some fresh clothes  on,” said Koya, gesturing inside. No sooner had he shut the door had he noticed that Blaze was wearing a t-shirt that said:’The Lightning Kitties!’ on it. The Lightning Kitties were Koya’s favourite band. He didn’t know it yet but Blaze was actually the lead singer of the band. “Oh are you a fan of the Lightning Kitties?” he asked Blaze. “You have no idea,” said Blaze. As soon as he had finished getting changed they were out of the door quicker than you could say ‘didgerydoo’.

“Slithen, I’m in love!” said Koya as he flung through the door. “She’s going to come on Sunday, which is in 2 days, to have some tea. But let me tell you Slithen when I dropped her off at her house when I walked her in we said goodbye and when we did she hugged me and said she would miss me until I returned. We are in love!” whooped Koya. “And I’m happy for you but I’m telling you that there is something familiar about her Koya,” mentioned Slithen. “Who cares! All that matters is that we are in love!”



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